And on that bombshell... I think they did fine for a bunch of car dorks.
And on that bombshell... I think they did fine for a bunch of car dorks.
That’s a huge bummer... Looks like I need to play this game now...
The 86 for people who don’t want to be seen as an 86 person but want an 86
Man this story really bums me out. I think the council are just being asses at this point.
Where is this boring car you speak of?
Ugh. You shouldn’t have bitten. No one wants you to bite anymore. Go bite somewhere else.
She is my light today
We have some interesting cars on the #sacramentoparkedcars instagram, nothing crazy. I’m going to be adding a 1989 Peugeot 405 Mi16 to the streets here pretty soon.
They made an ACTUAL spy car
Someone wrote something for you
Oh don’t give this moron something else to be wrong about.
So you quote a pew research article listing that women deal with more harassment based on their gender. Um, well done?
Oh for fuck’s sake. Get outta here with that. If you honestly don’t think girls have it rougher then you’re an ignorant baboon.
Bruh, bench seats. This is really good.
Well this is a neat story to wake up to. Good on him.
Yea man, representation matters.
Made by some guys who have been doing small bikes, mopeds and such, for a while. They also are making sidecars, saw them at the last moped rally in Kzoo. Really pretty in person.
As a moped guy who loves small 2Ts, I still think even 1800 would be a bit much. 1500 and I’d think about it personally.
Someone wanting a 2T AR80 isn’t gunna want a ninja I’d think.