
Haha sir I deleted Myspace and Facebook all in the matter of a few months, best decision I've made since I went halfsies on that abortion... also #39 makes me want to go out and punch a dog haha....

@streeeeetch: well then people wanting to blow up a plane would know what airline to use too, also I'm against the scanners, devils advocate and all that haha

@streeeeetch: You poor thing, how frightened you must have been... your shrink must have needed several sessions on this ghastly matter alone not to mention the years its taken to cover your entire boring childhood... I'll take that kind of excitement on my plane trip anyday.

Fuck all the nonsense about our personal privacy, these would be great for smuggling some drugs onto the plane... I want a pair immediately

@J Dub: Great question, It is obvious that you are not otherwise you'd be aware of the answer haha, and chances are that you will never have sex now...

WOW!!! this guy really nailed down some hard evidence haha, I'm surprised he didn't just say we found some letters and numbers, case closed.

Am I the only one who feels this looks a little too polished, NASA is just working on CGI now haha.

That just plainly looks awesome, I want to burnt things as artwork in my home now... where is my gas can?

Wow, I'm sure that would be almost impossible to break................. the abundance of periods denotes my sarcasm.

I'm pretty sure Ask a Ninja would have the low down on this situation... he was probably there, in the shadows...

@hawkeye18: Dude.... Dude.... Yes... I'm speechless, I am without speech... haha

They just fucked up this phone for HTC's benefit, to make all the far superior Droid phones like the Incredible look that much better in comparison to Samsungs attempt, it's great PR, fuck up the Galaxy and keep pumping out great HTC phones and thus removing the word competition from their vocabulary. Well done

Less "RAM" and "No Vibrator", no wonder my girlfriend doesn't want one...

@brendolonius: Thats the kind of inherent privacy that we Americans can't allow to be called into question

No wonder they are always laughing at me when I go through airport security....

I like it, I'm going to head home right now and fill my phone with water, I hope everything works out well haha

I'm pretty sure Joe Strummer had that jacket at some point during his career... obviously a badass.

Where I come from all the fuzz smoke weed too so had this happened to me I think they probably would have rushed out with helicopters to get me my weed... maybe that isn't the national norm thought haha

@ikaiyoo: Thats because real music is full of passion and beauty, when anything with a $60 peripharal is completely devoid in all useful senses of the word... When I write and it turns out decent I get a suddden rush of joy and accomplishment as I'm sure your musician friend does as well, but with Rock Band I think

@Necroscope: and idiotic haha, it was like 6 in the morning at the time, I've forgiven myself... but the better question is have you?