
@disillusioned: Maybe the nice author was just using freedom of speech to express the profound emotion they felt during this video, grammar be damned. Or maybe writers don't have time to worry about their writing nowadays, why make an effort at your profession, I'm sure Chaucer fucked up a few "till's" in his day too.

I've never heard of his site/s but I'm still completely impressed, I can guarantee that I'll never accomplish anything as grand as this young one has...

@dmart: Tell you what, we'll just do like The Office and make you one out of paper clips and a lid from a thing of yogurt? sound good?

Its 12:23 and this Jack fella is the only one with any work done on the whole site since 10 o'clock last night. Haha if you guys are running out of material I'll totally write some nice expositions for you.

@dmart: I dont' know about getting you a medal but I'm sure there is a way to fashion you some sort of plaque or maybe a nice certificate.

No wonder my fucking soda when flat when it finally arrived..

My brother took the initiative and practiced this for about 21 years... where is his video game? hahaha

I have this feeling that although this phone has alot going for it in the arena of innovation it is lacking in many small departments that are basically standard on the majority of today's leading phones, since this is the first iteration of these phones I suppose it should be expected, It seems that it may not catch

I'm fairly certain that if not for Netflix Instant Streaming in my life, I probably would have killed myself years ago haha... you are my hero Netflix

I'm amazed that this phone still gets all the attention it has, it was a fine phone months ago when it came out but it is completely overshadowed in so many ways, in my opinion the HTC Incredible is still pound for pound the best phone out there right now, it has Sense, Snapdragon makes it the fastest phone out there