Tobias and Lindsay

Repeat after me:

I think the only people qualified enough to make any comment regarding Fisher’s condition (and future of) are those in charge of her care.

May the Force be with you, General.

I don’t believe in miracles or any of the divine shit or whatever.

I adore her in Harry Met Sally! She’s so perfectly New York and neurotic and witty and willing to tell her new love that the wagon wheel coffee table has got to go.

Now playing

I always loved her roast of George Lucas.

Latest update from her brother is that she’s “out of emergency” and stable.

Maybe you think you’re helping? You’re not.

Against their wills, apparently:

I didn’t think it did BC I thought it restricted by name. I don’t know that they could draft one that says she can’t say that dv is bad, or that she could never say she ever suffered dv at any point (it’s not necessarily referring to Johnny depp, it could be a relationship we don’t know about or her exgf.).

Look at this photograph. She married into Nickleback. This hair reminds me of tentacles. I can’t stop looking at it. Every time I do it makes me laugh.

Zuck’s response: “It’s not like me, to say I’m sorry...”

Eh, he passed through the “now what” stage a while back. He then took “pale imitation of Keith Richards” out for a spin and has now apparently settled on “tragic mid-life crisis cliche.”

I have never seen a single human being work so hard to obliterate their reputation as a charismatic sex symbol.

The sense of entitlement with abusive men is at the root of this.

Having a disease isn’t a crime. Knowingly spreading it is. Stop victim blaming.

Fuck off.

So it’s basically like herpes, except for that myriad of life threatening complications that might come with it, the stigma and complications concerning ones private life and the costs of treatment. But other than that, no biggie!!

Getting a new trial means that he could potentially go free because his sentence is overturned.