DEB Got Locked Out

I guess he might apologize to her husband, but why would he apologize to her? It’s not like she’s a person or anything...she’s just a woman. If he doesn’t want to fuck her, does she even exist?

“Hey, where’s the most appropriate place to post this now that we don’t have a news site?”.

Hello Gawker my old friend.

“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.

Well, I’m going to need more information. An anecdote or two please!

“when the only reason she’s on tv is that her shrewd fame whore of a mother put their trashy dysfunction on tv for all to see”. Hmmmm...where else have I seen this scenario play out?*

Or maybe it was serious enough to want custody and think she should have it, but not so bad she thinks he’s a criminal, and she’s a human woman with normal emotions and a responsibility to their kids?

Also, yes, the mistress knew he was married, but Ozzy is the one that hurt their family. The mistress doesn’t owe the Osbornes anything. Ozzy does.

How much of a garbage person is she when she goes after her father’s mistress? I am not putting Ozzy off the hook. He is just as guilty in the crime of adultery. But it is kind of hard to feel sorry for someone that is cheating with a married man and her attacker is that man’s daughter.

Oh, I was team nobody in that feud. They’re both trashy idiots.

Legit in my experience. I don’t understand how people remarry, I can’t imagine another emotional investment

Also, too lazy and don’t want to learn someone new.

I am a peaceful and progressive minded person but I had to create this burner account just to tell you how disgusted I am by how big of an asshole you are.

So if the fan was going to stab him, according to you, he’s just supposed to stand there and accept his fate since security wasn’t close enough?

Monica Seles

I keep hearing how good this show is/was! It’s on Netflix right?

You’re lucky I didn’t take 100 million.

Alternatively, Emerson Cod (from the sadly-departed-and-much-missed Pushing Daisies):

I hope Kim fucking destroys this sex offender.

When this asshole escalates and sexually assaults someone he’s going to cite the “I was only joking” precedent. Shut this guy down. Now. It’s not clever or funny in the least.