DEB Got Locked Out

The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.

Must be why he’s so into Ivanka, he knows the ones with the wreck of a father are the best lay.

The Economist’s new cover:

How? I mean did Khloe molest a whole bunch of powerless men and then run for president on the family values platform?

What do you mean Halloween doesn’t last a month?

I’m not that bothered by it anymore. It’s kinda like watching some kids (not your own kids, of course) gorge themselves on Halloween candy while intermittently vomiting and then going back for more - all while hanging back with the air of a thousand I-told-you-sos.

Yeah. I actually have been just sitting here with fingers hovering over my keyboard, wondering when I stopped finding the GOP’s meltdown funny.

If this isn’t a perfect metaphor for what his party is trying to do to all women, silence us, then I don’t know what is.

Can you turn her microphone off please?

I wished for an October Surprise. This is like a month of Halloween. Like, after a few days, it’s not fun, anymore. You ate all your good candy, you have a stomach ache, you have to figure out what to do with the shitty candy, and your parents won’t let you take off your costume or wash off the day’s old makeup.

Wait. Harambe was asking Bone about a vasectomy?


I am so fucking happy for her. She wanted to have a child so badly and now she has two! I’m just so happy.

Maybe her response is banal, but the challenges she faced to get to the point of dressing her kids up like pumpkins certainly can’t be compared to Blake Lively et al.

It could have been, but it wasn’t. My feeling is that even rote, cutesy questions about motherhood take on a fresher, more revealing meaning for lesbian couples, who’ve been (and still are, in so many places) legally and socially excluded from co-parenting for so long.

“Bah, humbug!”

I’m trying to understand how someone can have zero sympathy for a woman who was pulled from her bed by men with guns and held against her will, when this woman’s biggest crime is what, chasing fame? Flashing her wealth around? Jesus.

Then you will be relinquished of your duties to comment about them! I can see your discussion history - for someone who is so sick of the Kardashians you sure do talk about them a lot.

Maybe you’re an asshole?

Wasn’t that right about the time she did Sliding Doors? She and I must have the same spirit because that was when I decided to live my best life. And here I am, 20 years later! Commenting on the internet!