jonbenet ramsay snow

And now I’m crying again because you’re being so nice I’m a mess today haha

Thank you. I took the posts pretty personally considering I’ve been feeling super out of it and down all day after a especially vivid rendition of the recurring dream in which my ex (who killed himself years ago) shows up and reveals that he faked his death. The accusation of me being a Nazi loving Trump fan (Jew who

Fair enough, and I am sorry for your experience. I am not into rape fantasy myself (also a survivor, I get severely creeped out by anyone watching me sleep or trying to wake me up with something as innocuous as a kiss) I just kind of see where someone could come from in that situation and was wondering about your

I admit I was snarky when they told me to shut up because they had been commenting longer than me but I don’t know how you read a death threat into the below comment, which is the only actual response I have posted to anything the user said.

Unless JonBenetRamsaysHymen has a lot of explaining to do (all love to you JBRH)

I just looked at their history and just like... the moderators can fact check that. Also they went on a tirade about how I am a Trump loving white straight woman who always talks about her blog and like... I think she genuinely maybe thinks I’m a different user because I am female but that’s about it? Still no excuse

Mental I’m not sure why we are being targeted but I have been reporting this this troll and I have screen shots I can post here.

Please post it. I’d love to see what I supposedly said. I’ve been reporting your comments wishing death on people all day and I didn’t say anything of the like to you and you know it.

I responded that that was a strange thing to fixate on because I’ve been posting here for ten years. She chose to dismiss the comment and began and tirade against me I saw fit to flag and dismiss. That is the beginning and end of my interaction with this commenter. So I find it very bizarre that they are accusing me

This isn’t actually true and very very strange.

I learned what YOLO meant from NPR... :/

Haha that’s such a bizarre reaction, especially since I’ve been reading and commenting on here since 2007. But nice try!

I agree. I posted some silly meme on Facebook and some person I haven’t talked to for years ragged on me for why I would do this when people with green cards are being turned away... because if I don’t laugh I’ll cry?

The Bernardo case? Not trying to be pedantic I’m just wondering if you’re talking about something else.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but what about someone who was raped themself and uses rape fantasy in their sex play to regain some kind of control? Do you think that’s inherently unhealthy?

Mine have never been normal but now that I’ve got years of daily marijuana use and reliance on Seroquel I sometimes don’t get mine for months on end and then it’ll be like a week and a half of the elevator from The Shining.

It’s a truly great play that takes place when all the Peanuts kids are juniors in high school and Snoopy has just died of rabies. It only gets better and more depressing from there. I actually sobbed so loud for the last fifteen minutes I was worried they were going to ask me to leave.

Please tell me you weren’t the one who ungreyed this totally unnecessary series of comments haha. It’s like the people who complain that Dirt Bag is celebrity gossip when the writers should be focusing on Bannon and shit.

Heavy Boobs is one of my favorite running songs. Dog bowl, remote control indeed!

Sex is always what kicks off my (admittedly very strange) periods. It like... shakes stuff loose.