jonbenet ramsay snow

Have you seen or read Dog Sees God? Get ready to sob your face off.

Ugh can we get a NSFLife tag for that grotesque face and pasty ass legs?

Haha nice!

I was imagining like an all old women psychobilly band but this works too.

Yeah Tone is who I’m thinking of. He didn’t also date Bette? Karina Longworth would be so displeased with me right now.

ID is on my poop list because they pulled the episode I was on because it might interfere with an ongoing investigation. Forget murder, my dad called literally everyone he knows to watch me walk across a restaurant scene and now is embarrassed!

No it’s Becky.


Season one is usually safe with him though. I even liked the first season of Scream Queens.

They slept with a lot of the same dudes and were married to the same one I believe, in addition to their acting rivalry. Maybe they hate fucked but I doubt it.

Jeez, just join the Pen15 Club like a normal person!

This is probably my favorite bit on their show. I could watch an entire episode of just this shit.

Haha yeah that’s one that pisses me off too, and people try to bring up that one guy who stabbed 20 people like that happens often... there’s a reason we all know about that one guy.

Somewhat relevant: she performed at the venue where I work last month and is still amazing.

No apologies necessary, I listened to nine episodes of My Favorite Murder this weekend. Interesting info!

There’s definitely a South Park episode in this.

My sister spoiled Madame Bovary for me but like... how can I be mad?

I think it was more backtracking once she saw the backlash she was receiving. Older and wiser women than she have been pressured into the same thing you know?

Why thank you, I’m a little proud of it. Thanks for always being lovely Jinni

I live two miles outside of DC and have a large group of friends who teach (including one who teaches at a charter school in the district). They’re all just fucking destroyed over this chick. I can’t even watch her, I just follow a few of their pages to see their takes on the whole thing.