
Am I the only one who likes this?

Looks like a Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm reskin

Most of them were already anime girls...

This is just made in SFM. The map where all the troops were standing is a map called Floating Islands 2. This isn't freaking Dark Souls.

What the heck? Why can't I see any skin but the skin on their faces?

Anyone who traveled to attend, let alone buy tickets to it, were asking to get scammed.

MFW no money to cosplay or go to cons and then I see this.

I preorder all my games through gamestop anyways.

I'm glad I've never seen the original so I can't be butthurt.

Still looks like a crap shovelware game.

I'm so with Notch on this. Screw servers that charge for stuff.


Despite all the hate Ubisoft has been getting recently, they're still one of my favorite gaming companies. I've never had a problem with Uplay, I don't care that there wasn't a female assassin (Heck, we already have Liberation), and I don't care about Watch_Dogs not having 4k graphics because I don't play it on a

Am I doing it right?

Did I do it right?