Pearl Lester

Heyyyy... What’s up, Tobias

She’s detestable, deplorable, horrible....all of the bad words with -able.

Also, all of her other terrible, terrible opinions, like being “offended” by the existence of HBCUs, blaming a rape accuser for getting on a tour bus, called Chris Brown “misunderstood,” and said transphobic things about Caitlin Jenner.

Endometriosis is chronic. Does that mean her partner is obligated to stay with her forever? This is such juvenile logic.

Right? Gurl you don’t talk about the clientele especially not on tv.

Haha!!!! The look on poor Nikki’s face. Womp womp.

Her endometriosis had been going on for years. If anything, her hysterectomy was a big step in resolving her medical issues. Also, if I feel this much fremdschamen just hearing about the boneheaded things she says, I can’t imagine being her partner for five years.

I’m glad Jack Antonoff is speaking out, and I really wish artists would stop working with R Kelly. It’s been known for years that he is an unabashed child rapist, yet big names keep on collaborating with him. I don’t mean to single her out totally as she’s one amongst many, but I was especially disappointed when Lady

It’s why he doesn’t weigh in on attacks carried out by white nationalists or white people in general. The man doesn’t want to turn those folks against him because just like him, they are all useful idiots.

It’s worse than not caring about black people. W didn’t care about black people as Kanye pointed out. This is different. Trump knows his base is racist. They support black men being murdered by police no matter what the circumstances surrounding it are. He can’t risk condemning any shooting of a black man by police no

When the president has talked about a number of issues, we want to find ways to bring the country together.

“isn’t it ‘interesting’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question about racist police violence by going off on a wild, panicked tangent about the economy and border security?”

I think it’s ridiculous how people are fretting over Haddish’s inevitable exile as decreed by Queen Illuminati. It’s a top trending slice of goss that doesn’t make Bey come off negatively in the slightest. Celebrities pay PR to make that kind of thing happen, and Beyonce is not at all private, just controlled.

Btw, Out of Time is a very good movie.

Something tells me that this would not have gotten out without Bey’s approval. Like “Becky with the good hair,” it’s her way of calling out someone but leaving no fingerprints. I’m sure Tiffany had approval...

She took some wrong advice from the Predator.

Almost every time someone crosses my physical boundaries at a party, I find out they’re on molly.

I mean, I feel like you never have to say “and if I did” if you really didn’t.