
Asshole of the night goes to that one dude who was *desperately* shouting "you suck!" during Enzo's promo.

"They also carry guns—loaded squirt guns—which also puts them streets ahead of most wrestlers."

Started this game intent on romancing Futaba, ended up falling in love with Makoto.

80+ hours in, I've beaten it once, currently just started a 2nd new game+ playthrough

Cena's mention of the women's revolution starts off nice, but is immediately undercut as he slaps Nikki on the ass while talking about.

I died laughing when Brock started grinning straight at the camera because it was simultaneously the most creepy and hilarious thing I'd seen all day. GG Brock.

Ah, the discussion format. I guess we can just the expect WWE reviews to disappear entirely in about a month or so at this rate, huh?

Well a brand new, first time champion being crowned, makes it stronger for one. Also Naomi has been heralded as one of the most, if not *the* most athletically gifted women on the roster for a long time now, and she clearly had the majority of the crowd behind her. Unlike a time the crowd's incessant need to start a

"Ziggler, despite his heel-enforcing post-match antics snapping Crews’ ankles, came away with a loss. Wins and losses still matter, and this match did no one any favors."

"Rollins threatens to storm into board meetings and maybe show up at Steph’s house to beat the hell out of her husband…"

"And the award for most passive-aggressive review headline goes to…"

In the middle of reading I thought "This review is way too positive to be LaToya's." and I was right.

Tyrion's Valyrian is nostril.

Found my way here from the "Meet The Blacks" review. How High is my favorite "bad" movie. Just, fyi.

Proposal: Create an A..V. Club headline hall of fame so we can put this headline in it.

Damn. This news brings me waaaay the fuck back. I remember watching FLCL as a kid and having mixed feelings about it. Like "This shit is weird, but I'm not sure if it's bad-weird or good-weird yet, so I'll just keep watching." kind of feelings. It was uniquely compelling in a way that none of the other anime on adult

- Much as I love Ambrose, I think he was playing up the irreverence of his character to a more annoying than entertaining degree at the start of the show, but he made up for by clocking HHH at the end, so whatever.

Only matches I enjoyed were Owens vs Ziggler, and the main event, though I was put off by how the latter ended. There was literally no reason for Dean to not pin Sheamus after a goddamn DD to the chair, but instead he climbs out of the cage so Roman can get away with a spear on Sheamus to end the night.

Agreed about being indifferent to Reigns; I also prefer Rollins to him. It'll be interesting to see how they handle things, but I'm still one of those smarks hoping for a heel turn from Roman before then.

…God, I miss Seth Rollins.