Reminds me of an activity that I did back in elementary school that taught this exact thing.
Why play Rocket League on your PC when you can buy a PS4 and play at a worse resolution and framerate than PS4, on your PC!
No it’s describing the instructions, it’s not a possessive statement.
‘They are’ is correct.
Move around your room VR will fail as hard as the Kinect did. Sit in a chair and use a traditional control scheme VR is totally the future of gaming.
I think the idea that VR/AR are not social experiences is a flawed one. Look at HoloLens demos, or Facebook plans for Rift followups. I’m personally excited for the gaming possibilities, but the social/professional applications are why there is so much money being poured into this.
Consider sitting down on your couch,…
I become that old guy that says, get off my lawn!
A threat to your way of gaming life? That’s bit much, don’t you think? Like the other games are still around and that’s unlikely to change. Video games didn’t completely destroy tabletop gaming. And I’m sure that video games will still be around even if VR becomes the next big thing.
No it isn’t, that’s moronic. The existence of something new doesn’t threaten something old unless it directly replaces it and no VR directly replaces ‘the gaming we grew up with and love so much’.
I have roughly the same amount of experience with recent VR technologies as you do, but I guess you’ll win on that front because I don’t list such personal information about myself using my Burner.
But that’s the thing - the stupid shilling doesn’t have to go on to get people to play them. The stupid shillers convinced Perfect World that they need the stupid shillers to shill for them stupidly.
This is like boycotting a small business they moment they hire their first employee.
Why is everyone concerned what someone thinks they look like if you’re having fun?
Wow, that must be one of the dumbest things I have ever read on deadspin. Congrats, that is really saying something.
Translation: I’m just kind of vaguely mad, red, and nude on the internet, and don’t have the ability to actually articulate a point, so I’m gonna try to coast on acting vaguely superior. So... hope that was good for you.
You got, like, an argument to lay on me?
“I’m black to the bone, my home is your home...
...but buy Samsung phones”
- Chuck D(idn’t say that)
Typical Eagles. They think they can bring in new people and suddenly everything is fixed. You can’t buy success.
I don’t even like chicken parm that much at all, it’s like, low on the totem pole of chicken type dinners.