
This show is hilarious and Sharon and Rob remain one of the best and most entertaining onscreen couples ever. Nuanced and sharp. I always want them to get through everything and every little fight so they can make each other laugh again.

they did spend £12million on Humans and around 10 on Indian Summers (a viewing figures flop), I don't know how much Utopia cost, but I'd rather they'd spent the money on it instead :/

Every US site uses that synopsis and I'm so confused! I mean, unless they've changed the way the graphic novel works on the show…. er… it was not a supernatural prophecy.

So true, rewatching season 1 Teddy knowing what a complete demolishing he's in for is a sad experience. So sure, he wasn't a particularly likeable person or the greatest husband, but I always found his reservations and distrust of Daniel understandable, and while he was unobservant of Tawney's feelings, it wasn't

haha! I too was suffering, drinking game style, from noticing Daniel's use of people's names while talking to them. I realised last series and then couldn't 'un notice'. I like your reason for it. His slowness to say anything and tendency to also repeat back what the other person has just said to him also give a sense

weirdly he was my favourite Nightcrawler incarnation because of his peppy personality

usually I'm just so thrilled by whatever comic stuff Allison and Donnie get to do that I don't mind the sudden mood shift, but I do wish they'd stop with the overly Desperate Housewivesy music loudly playing over all of their scenes. I get it, this is quirky, I don't need the music to keep telling me!

Ari Millen really had more room to make those characterful distinctions this ep,it was great to watch. Rudy has this cool, zen mode of operating, every movement seems considered, and he also seems less in reverence of authority in the way he was with Paul. Whereas Seth was a runty loser through and through, he had

I think male clones make sense, too, so I'm liking the storyline so far. Ari Millen's enjoyable to watch.

Woop! Three of us and a cat, then! I could kinda see a crossover, actually! Similar gritty tone. The little girl who wasn't a little girl would possibly have out-creeped even the creepiest bits of Orphan Black, though.

I felt sorry for Rachel. Delphine's wound torture was disturbing rather than badass, I never really like if torture or violence is meant to be 'less horrible' because it's happening to a person you're mean to think deserves it, but I think from writers comments it sounds like they might go for a sympathetic slant to

I didn't dislike the episode but I have to agree about the loud soundtrack (especially during Allison scenes) and incredibly fast scene switches at times. I could barely keep up!

Intruders! I think it was you, me and someone's cat who watched it to the end. Frain was the best thing about that show. Excited to see him in True Detective too. He's great in everything.

Sounds intriguing… I don't think Augustus Prew is in that picture of The Village though.

I've never seen Pena in anything before, but I'm really baffled by the praise for him in these comments. He was the most atrocious part of this thing, he seemed to think rubbing at his eyes a bit was enough to convey grief.

The only things Gracepoint has cut were all the little character moments and bits of dialogue that actually made me LIKE and connect to the characters. Ellie's establishing character moment where she returns from vacation and gives presents to all the other police officers, the nice banter between Ollie and his boss -

This really bugged me throughout - I feel like a lot of the time the sight lines were off, too. People were looking in the wrong direction for each other. I especially noticed it in the scene where they first tell the family while they're sat on the sofa. Just so poor and amateurish.

I've always wondered about this. Was there something at one point about Hannah and older men? I can't remember now, but my mind immediately leapt to the Senator. I'm not sure why else they'd spend so much time on him, he's either meant to become a massive red herring, or he's involved. Perhaps he organised for Hannah

I have to disagree. The Knick's score is incredibly atmospheric and I find it quite emotive. It hasn't made me cry yet, but neither has anything in the show. It gets my heart racing though!

Agreed, people seem quite harsh on how Teddy's cutting off from Tawney, but his reasons for doing so (the assault and her revealing to him her feelings for Daniel) are pretty reasonable to my eyes. Are people forgetting that throughout s1 Tawney was constantly cutting Teddy off (ending their phone calls quickly, being