
Yeah, I'm not sure why Amantha hates him, but since Teddy's had his creepy moments, I wouldn't be surprised if you're right. Although Amantha also objected to Janet referring to Ted Sr as her "dad", so maybe after all the upheaval over Daniel's arrest and her father's death, Amantha's hate mostly stems from her seeing

Definitely agree that some are being too hard on Ted. From his perspective Daniel has completely disrupted Ted's family life and usurped his place. He's basically had little over a week to come to terms with his identity in the business and the family being revealed to be fairly insubstantial. Janet cares about him a

@avclub-7287f1910791eb8cf1bc62db5d310646:disqus Agree wholeheartedly about Shea Whigham! I actually always liked Eli as a character, but the journey he went on during season 3 and the way Whigham so subtly made all of Eli's development and change completely believable was some fantastic work. I think the problem is

Worthless piece of trash that was abused and raped as a little girl? Nice empathy there. Gillian's kill count is still only 1, and she has legitimately horrific psychological reasons for any warpy behaviour she passed on to Jimmy. There are so many gangsters on this show who don't have even a quarter of the excuses

He's incredible! Always puts in a fascinatingly layered performance. I'm particularly fond of him in the Angels in America mini series. He speaks volumes with just the raise of a brow.

Adore Dunn and his gold toothed grin. I got a real kick out of his "How's that?" this-is-a-warning style grin to Nucky last episode when Nucky said he should be a detective.

The Sopranos was the worst for me, IT GOES ON FOREVER! Such a dull sequence marinated with dull music. Boardwalk's opening sequence is *visually* alright, but that music….