Toast Points

Bet serial rapist Bill Cosby is glad he never ran into Taylor. He'd been a eunich by now and a lot of his victims would have been spared much grief.

Wonder if the Serial Rapist and his jerk-wad legal team showed up on time for the depo today. No news reports yet on that. …. Looking forward to tonight's NBC Dateline. (And to think old sleazeball Bill Cosby thought he'd be starring in the network's sitcom line-up this fall.

At least what he said wasn't as ignorant as what Rashad and Knight-Pulliam had to say.

Absolutely true … others in his own casts were scared of him. Not Hannibal.

Plenty of folks are reaching out and touching him now. The old sleazebag thought he was too iconic to be outed. Wrong.

Once he croaks, I'm betting many of them will have plenty more to day.

Yep … no more residuals for the cast members, thanks to nasty Bill's recreational pursuits.

Clearly Malcom is brighter than Phylicia "Forget These Women" Rashad and Keisha Knight "Waaaaa, they're trying to take away my legacy" Pulliam. Essentially, though this interview served to advise readers of him his upcoming gigs while essentially admitting Cosby screwed up the show for the whole cast. No more re-run

Nixon never thought he'd be forced to resign, and Sandusky thought he'd never be convicted. I, too, harbor doubts of Cosby ever doing jail-time. Odds are slim. But look how far we've come in less than a year on the unmasking of Bill Cosby as a pervert and rapist. Miracles do occur, and he may yet end up behind bars.

Needs to be egged … with touches of a chili-lookalike substance

Bill Cosby needs to be stripped of his freedom to move around this country and elsewhere. It's called prison.

Agreed. Plus he got major tax write-offs. Camille, for her part, loved the glory of it all.

What good works? Sitting on boards of iffy schools? Having his name on buildings on campuses? The guy is a self-important pervert, predator, and rapist..

Serial rapist and all-around pervert Bill Cosby needs to get used to the fact that nobody believes his denials except for those who are really dense.

Glad the old pervert has lived long enough to see hs name disappear from educational institutions and to end up on state fair news of "rapeseed art."

This disgusting slimeball is finally getting his … a public shunning, starting slow and soon to be on steroids.

Have a Quaalude … it'll make you feel more relaxed.

Cosby's disgusting ass already is marked as a collectors' item by assorted lawyers who plan to give him what he deserves —- total exposure for the pervert that he is.

Airbrush the book cover much? What happened to all the warts all over the head of this old serial rapist geeze?

What to do? Dump the lying phoney.