
See this is why you stick with the regular box shaped computer that looks plain. It keeps you from feeling guilty when you perform simple tasks on it, even if your internal components are bleeding edge products.

I wouldn't call any hike that lasts 15 minutes intense, but great video. Don't know that I would want technology ruining my journey into a rain forest.

@Martian Yeti: He probably only worked on it when he had time, it is just his hobby.

@blash: A drop bar is silly on most commuter bikes, you only need the straight raised bar for the upright position if you're using a commuter. Touring, urban, road, tri, fixie, and cyclocross bikes are the only bikes a drop bar is needed. (this argument being based off the average consumer of course, personal

Just make sure to put some fenders on it, or your lovely briefcase or laptop is going to get freckled with water droplets and dirt kicked up by your tires.

Damn, I saw the gorilla and the player leave but did not notice the curtain at all. I loved the original bike PSA version of this though, as a biker even I got screwed by the Gorilla.

@Toastie: Correction it looks like The Endup is the new version of mine. And they have it on sale for $52 right now.

@Mickets: I use a Timbuk2 Track Pack, but unfortunately they no longer make it. The Timbuk2 Q Mission 6 looks a little flashy but seems to be the closest in design to mine. I have taken my Timbuk2 everywhere; from getting drenched in the rain forest of Costa Rica (the backpack resists rain to some degree, two hours

I'm torn between wanting to hate the MPAA and taking the common person's side and the fact that the common person here is a Twilight fan.

Good news for all the zooplankton out there.

@iceph03nix: Getting a beer, always a good idea!

On a more personal level, use a siesta. During the summer I use midday naps to help beat the heat by turning down the heat I produce myself! Only works if you don't have a 9 to 5 job though.

Nope, I've been handed enough years to make my life count. I don't wish to burden society in such a selfish and inconsiderate way.

I had a team mate panic when a slide he thought we disposed of showed up during our presentation. He made such a big deal over it due to his nervousness from presenting, that I just stepped in and took over. I found that the fact that I was in my military service dress helped greatly in winning over the audience for

This is why accounting classes should also be taught in high school, just make the class about personal finances. Sunk costs is one of the most basic but important aspects of making financial decisions.

This is why UAV's are such a great idea. They can be produced in far greater numbers with lower costs. Like all things they have their problems but they are a better solution to today's conflicts.

The reason people don't respect skateboarders is that they don't respect anyone else. "See a boring statue or bench where you are going to sit down or just walk right by, he's going to look and visualize a sort of cool skate line" what the skateboarder doesn't think of is that statue is dedicated to a soldier who gave

Hmm, I might do this with the Notion Ink Adam once that thing comes out. It's good to see all these iPad hackers giving me ideas for my future tablet.

@TunaFish: The first time he uses a frying pan or heats up a sauce, that iPad is a goner.

@El Tejon: For the sweat problem ask if your business could set up a locker room and showers for bike commuters. You could also try to find a business by yours that has showers to support their workers who chose to bike, then see if your employer can work out a deal with them so you can use their showers and lockers.