
Recently I had my keys fall out of my pocket. It somehow managed to fall into somewhere under the seat that was very hard to access. I had to scoot the seat all the way up and even then it took some gymnastics to grab them.

What’s wrong with a giant lawn ornament? If it’s neat and not a hazard, who cares? I’d rather have a plane next door than a jackass with 10,000 Christmas lights and inflatable reindeer.

Yes, let’s make fun of Christians because there are some people who use their “beliefs” to force their will on others. There are, in fact, a lot of Christians with socially progressive ideas. Believe it our not, some of us actually adhere to the belief that Jesus wanted us to love others rather than beat others with

Ohio State fans have long been hoping for bowl games to be played in shitty northern winter weather, just to see if all those coddled southern teams can handle it, so this scenario would be fantastic.

Proof that life with a Camry doesn’t need to be boring!


Can you do an article about the break-away hoses? With some videos?

Then there’s an attitude shutoff feature

I’m “that guy at the dealership”. I work at a VW Dealership in CT, at the service counter.

I didn’t sign up for this shit. It’s not my job to play damage control for VW corporate.

I don’t work for VW. I work for an independently owned and operated franchise dealership that has a contract with VW.

I didn’t do a

That door swings both ways.

They don’t choose rhetoric based on facts, they do it based on what will work. They judged that fearmongering would work, so that’s what they went with.

Curiously absent in every Republican military budget increase:

Personally I think the budget should stay the same, but they should have the screws put to them over waste. The military has been operating with basically a blank check for 6-7 decades and it shows. We need to bring back accountability and make sure we the people are getting our money’s worth out of it.

‘Buy a car from a Mechanic, they know cars, so they take care of them.’ Yeah, right. The worst car I’ve owned was a technician’s car. If you spend 8-12 hours a day dealing with other people’s crap, why would you want to go home and do it for ‘fun’.

*a young Minion is looking at Rocky Mountain News car classified ads, with two circled. His girlfriend at the time looks at the page*

If this isn’t recognized I am going on a rampage.

“Oil changes are a waste of money. Just put more oil in when the light turns on.”

You can buy a _____ for the price of a new ____.

Seafoam will help your car run better:

Canadian checking in, spelling with the ‘u’ is the only way to go.