I dunno, the way Gomez stayed down suggests two guys, one cup.
I dunno, the way Gomez stayed down suggests two guys, one cup.
Fucked up takeaway to have.
why are you here
There is no “cure for cancer” and there will never be a “cure for cancer” because cancer is not one enemy to be defeated, it is dozens (if not hundreds) of enemies that each need to be confronted. It’s a catchall term for a whole host of terrible diseases that share some common mechanisms.
I mean... more like we’re adults now and don’t really care to smell like weed or have to go through the whole grind/pack/burn fingers/clean the whole thing afterwards rigamarole.
I wholeheartedly believe this. His beef was with Terry Melcher for not giving him a record deal.
All signs point to him not believing it at all, and the Tate murders being a petty revenge - not on her, but on the previous occupant of the house, a record executive who’d rejected him. Helter Skelter was just how he justified it to his followers.
And it’s this devaluation of sex workers that makes conditions like these possible in the first place!
That’s how you hold a cat...right before it twists around and takes your eyes.
I know I often randomly find stray purebred dogs worth hundreds of dollars just wandering around unattended at my luxury rehab center.
So ... what you’re saying is, what’s wrong with this article is that I’m correct about the Xbox One being a bad product. Nice.
Because they told me several hours into a house party, I can’t remember exactly how I found out two of my best…
There certainly are a lot of people who've never dealt with the prison system from either side commenting on this article.