
Bold choice to film the episode entirely in black and darker black.

Season 8, Episode 3: “Can’t See Shit” dir. Miguel Sapochnik

Yeah. I mean, I don’t fault them for trying, it’s that the execution was clumsy.

I think the problem is that the Infinity War stinger really seemed to imply Carol was going to be pretty integral to Endgame, when it turns out she was really only needed to give Tony and Nebula a lift back to Earth.

Why not Best Picture? Why can’t a movie that causes overstuffed theaters to cheer and clap and cry together actually be considered the Best? Does it always have to be some cheesy Victorian drama that no one actually likes?

Knowing what these characters mean to other people, makes it hard to hate on those scenes (though I see some who are trying). But just imagine...the kids who were 10 years old when Iron Man came out are 21 now. The impact this series has had on a generation can't be understated. 

It is also very VERY intentionally diverse.

If Robert Downey Jr. isn’t up for something (hell, give him the Lifetime Achievement Award already, for longest running and most richly inhabited character, ever) it will be a travesty. There hasn’t been a movie that’s made as big of an impact on the moviegoing scene since Titanic really, and that one did OK at the

Yes. The bumper sticker reading “Nuff Said” in rainbow colors was what put me on alert to look for him.

I’m a comics OG(original geek) and have read comics for over 35 years STEADILY and I am black. Let me tell you,at the end of the day, most folks don’t want to see white men in chains and, while reparations would be nice (and have been done for others before), the REAL thing is to be allowed stories to be told for us

can basically invent anything out of thin air now.”

The god abides!

A woman in the audience yelled out “ewwww!” when they revealed Thor’s beer belly. I was offended both on Thor’s and my own behalf.

He did at least get his beard magic braided 

Oh, but it’s not a pineapple shirt. It’s a pineapple ROMPER. That’s just how much of a fucking bad-ass that man is. Just look at this sassy bitch.

Endgame reminded me very strongly of Return of the King. (That’s actually been my spoiler-free review for friends who asked how it was). It’s fully committed to its world and characters and has full expectation that the audience feels the same. And it’s not at all ashamed to get cheesy and manipulative when it’s appro


Nebula was on the Milano at the end with the rest of the Guardians. Gamora went off by herself.

No, I think it’s them searching for the 2014, pre-character development Gamora

I’m about to leave for a month of travel in Africa, and since I want to actually be able to use the internet while I’m there, I hauled my ass to an 8 am showing this morning. Maybe it’s just the endorphins, but I really enjoyed it. Some random thoughts: