
My favorite Hemsworthism:

His speech on the Milano in Infinity War all day long. So good.

It’s pretty accurate, except the people are sadder and creepier. My mom bred and showed Dalmatians. I went to a lot of dog shows and was briefly a handler myself as a kid. We quit doing it after a few years when we learned that most breeders are inbreeding dogs to a disgusting degree. People breed dogs solely for the

Well he is history’s greatest monster.

Building houses for the poor at 94 and shit. Thinks he’s so big.

But many of us are basic human decency 24/7

You’ve made about 25 comments on this page in the last hour so perhaps you shouldn’t be sharing your opinion on what qualifies as depressing. 

“Other people do bad things, why are you ‘picking on’ this one?”

Did your monocle drop into your cup of tea? One man’s “policy disagreement” is another person’s dead kid.

Maybe, but here’s a company with a definitive link to bad policy that harms youth.

If by “picking on them” you mean “protesting and not giving money to a chain restaurant franchise who’s owner is worth an estimated 4.2 billion,”. Go fuck yourself.

“Too cool for school” sums up new A.V. club so perfectly. These poor sods just don’t realize that they well NEVER match Sean O’Neal’s masterful snark, either in terms of humor, heart, or basic intelligence.

As much as I like the concept of this article series, there's this weird "too cool for school" vibe to a lot of them, that's kind of a turn-off. I'm not expecting them to be all fan gushing, but picking a "boring" scene from a movie like Guardians is a prime example of it.

Another prime contender is when people unfamiliar with the comics are finally let it on what the Infinity Stones are, and how the series has been building up this ongoing story on basically a subconscious level.

I think they hated Bohemian Rhapsody enough to try to make this film the ideal in comparison.

Good God, man, what more do you need?!

Hawkeye’s Mullet Mohawk begs to differ.

Infinity War "we did it'

A lot of you are going to hate me but i enjoy Age of Ultron more than The Avengers.

I'm an old-timey college aged kid, and I'm off to France to show those no-good Krauts what for! Golly, I sure hope my best girl will wait for me!