

Pro-gun activists and anti-vavcers should have a place where they can go if they are over 18, have the proper permits, and want to endanger others.

Of course people are hating on the formatting, the prose “style”, and the lack of a clear take, but those have always been your game. Holy Toledo!

Buffy is the real deal. 

My beaches are all fucked up (state of Hawaii) but most of the beach trash (90% or more) comes from fishing boats in international waters (used plastic fishing nets and floats, sometimes miles long, sometimes just pieces). Most of it comes from Chinese ships from what we can tell.

Let’s work on the camera angles for interviewing a presidential nominee without seeming biased. You want to look up at them or across at them not down on them. You don’t want the shot of her dominated by the shoulder and face of the interviewer. Conversely, you want the shot of the interviewer to show some of the

Bullshit on all your claims.

Here you reveal yourself as a troll because Venezuela is a dictatorship.

Obama’s shot looks as broke Fultz’s. I would still pick him first on any team just to be on his team. 

Rush Limshitbaugh kept saying he was beating a “war drum”.

That’s the way it should be. Rich people will be OK, they have more food at home and can miss work more easily. Plow the poor neighborhoods first, where maybe someone is hungry or will not be able to pay rent if they don’t get to work. Common sense. Even a crackhead can understand that one.

Yea next year will be his last year, not the other 6 times he quit.

Dan Snyder’s team will give him a shot as a db coach when he gets out.

Status symbol for Proud Boys and MAGA people. 

Status symbol for Proud Boys and MAGA people. 

Wow a real keyboard warrior you are. Using your powers to save the world I see.

No approved comments for this article? 

I will add that I am a big fan of women’s surfing and they all rip and surf better than me.

I am all for equal pay for the women in surf contests. I am opposed to uninformed writing on Deadspin.

I saw Tony Gonzalez play basketball at Cal but this is another level.

Did any of you notice how his body language was so strange during the game. His right arm hangs down at his side like it hurts, and he dribbles with his left so much it makes you wonder if he is OK. He looked sad and bored and tired for most of the game. It did not look fun for him. In set offensive situations he