
Game on! But...we can only mention complaints between ourselves... for everyone else we must glance disapprovingly at their ride, and then go into a diatribe about how much passion and soul our cars have! (even when on the back of the tow truck!)

Largely, this.

Hyabusa(s) swap it is!

Now playing

The car always appealed to me. This one always REALLYREALLY appealed to me.

I’m holding out for the Alfa Guilia.....

True, traffickers are terrible. But these guys aren’t using their single-use million dollar sub to traffic people. That’s a different group of goons, for whom terrorist smuggling would be even worse for business.

A Fox “News” viewer has joined us. Welcome.

I find it horrifying that we spend as much as we do (deploying nuclear attack subs?!) to chase down and celebrate this one catch when there are 10 others that are passing ‘em right by...

Other things are noisy, but I really don’t need an additional source of noise adding to it.

let me know how you feel about that when one is hovering over a child relative of yours

No sir, you Mr. Dog walker are the asshole. Don’t go fucking walking your dumb dog around people who don’t want you walking your dumb dog around them. It should be a law that of you walk your dog in a public place than it is legally okay for anyone within the vicinity to try and take it down at will. I hate these

It’s funny when you have competing assholes.

It should be a law that of you fly your Drone in a public place than it is legally okay for anyone within the vicinity to try and take it down at will. I hate these fucking things.

Holy crap, I didn’t think anyone else had ever played U.N. Squadron!

Yes, they would. Being a soldier doesn’t make you super-intelligent. Or any more immune to pandering or misinformation.

News flash: In my time at Gawker Media I have never, not once, or even heard a rumor about any of my stories or viewpoints being bent to some political will. Content has never been changed, swapped, watered down or re-construed in any way based on a political bias. In meetings I have never heard of such a bias

This is very important to military issues, one of these people could be the next POTUS. This made no political claims, it just analyzed the transcript. As far as click bait, not sure how this is clickbait, certainly a lot of time and effort went into analyzing the statements made.


Oh, you’re one of those idiots who calls it snitching. If you saw somebody doing a bunch of destructive illegal shit, then you’d just keep it to yourself?

I don’t agree with the ‘it probably won’t help, so why bother’ argument. Motorcycle plates may not be the glue that keeps society from slipping in to anarchy, but they do way more good than harm.