Speaking of the media... I don’t know if all the local Seattle TV/radio stations got together and decided to make it a standard, but whenever any of them refer to Russell Wilson it is only by his first name. So, “Russell threw for...” or “At practice today, Russell...” All the other players are referred to by their…
we don’t think there will actually be a funeral, since she already had one!
bless your aunt’s best friend!
for her 85th birthday three years ago, a friend of my grandmother’s (let’s call the friend Kara) decided to throw herself an “Awake Wake: Celebration of Life With Kara” rather than a traditional birthday party. it was held at the event center in the small town. she posted an AD in the local newspaper. it featured a…
thank you for this! I’m a student at UCLA and am constantly aware of the best ways to escape a mass shooting in whatever lecture hall/library I’m in.
I can’t even deal with this. dkfja;ldfjlkadhfjkdaf
I don’t really have anything against him but I think Michelle Williams is a queen* and should only have the absolute best
I desperately want Michelle Williams to be happy, and if that means Jonathan Safran Foer, then I SUPPORT IT
My friend who suffered from epileptic seizure activity throughout his life finally had a series of operations that fixed the issue completely. Soon after, with no prior interest in football, he told me he was taking up Bears fandom. This is 100% truth: A man literally has a piece of his brain removed, becomes a Bears…
I cannot believe I have something in common with Cara Delevingne, WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!
what about “in cahoots with”?
“colluding”. now there’s a verb we don’t NEARLY use often enough.
from Ava DuVernay:
awww you’re beautiful!
I was shocked and the doctor explained to me that it was like an upside nose
Hateful pizza thugs
This is LITERALLY the worst thing i have ever seen