Yeah, this was basically my point.
Yeah, this was basically my point.
Ah, I see. I didn’t follow it through quite the same way (although I must admit that I was never in that exact situation). To me it is more like wanting to have sex when you are too drunk to consent- I wouldn’t consider that a desire for rape, but rather a desire for consensual sex that isn’t possible under the…
I’m not sure if this covers what you are trying to say, but I always think of it like this: it’s ok for teenagers to feel desire for adults, but it’s the adults’ responsibility to make sure they don’t respond.
Yep. Heaven forbid. I got second in my class and spent a bunch of time explaining that part of the problem was that I took a lot of classes in the arts which simply didn’t give perfect marks (unlike math and physics etc.). It was true in my high school, certainly, but as an adult I wonder why I had to justify it in…
Not on the same scale, but my mom once sat me down to have a talk with me about the fact that she was concerned about my marks because they dipped below 90 (88, I got 88 the semester my parents got divorced) and she wanted to know why I wasn’t working hard enough. She now completely denies that this conversation ever…
Path of least resistance, baby- the fact that my work takes pension right off my paycheck is the best incentive for me to save. (Are 401ks like pensions? Or like retirement savings?)
Well, a 2009 paper (which I could find at home, I think) showed that it increased donations by 25%, which isn’t nothing.
Well, we could increase supply by increasing deceased donations. I would 100% support making organ donation an opt out instead of an opt in system which has been shown to increase donation.
So I am facing this myself- as a child of parents who did hyphenate my name (or as my sister and I call it: pass the problem to the next generation).
There used to be an elderly couple who stood outside of the hospital I used to work at to protest abortion every Sunday after church.
The most recent numbers I could find on a quick search through StatsCan were from 2000- but the numbers were:
Could be. I didn’t put all that much stock in it though, as it utterly failed to happen last time. I would have been happy with a L/NDP Coalition for sure!
I mean, I hate to disagree with you, but the six richest ridings in Ontario (Don Valley West, University-Rosedale, Nepean, Etobicoke-Lakeshore, Eglinton-Lawrence, and Oakville) all went Liberal.
This is exactly how I feel.
I mean, if you live in a conservative area the chances are that... not many refugees are going to be coming to your riding. Most refugees coming to Canada settle in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal and all of those areas went pretty solidly Liberal or NDP.
We can form a support group...?
Third worst? I still think I’d prefer it over a Conservative minority. (Although how it plays out remains to be seen.)
Panic-voting Liberal when you think the Conservatives are going to win is basically a Canadian tradition.
As someone who also voted NDP and is saddened by their numbers, I think we also have to consider that it may be their own fault. The party visibly swung to the centre this election (which they have arguably been doing for a while) and utterly failed to distinguish themselves effectively from the Liberals.