
I took Writer's Craft in high school and the first thing my teacher told us was that if we wanted to make money writing books we should learn to write romance. Then made us sit down and read Harlequins (and a couple of other things) for the next month.

I've always sang it that way as well.

The French version is amazing, beginning to end.

Exactly what I was trying to say! Thanks for lending your eloquence.

Ok- what I was going for here is that I don't think that we should make women and girls who want to feel pretty feel bad about that desire. Even if I am tired of that conversation and want to move on I shouldn't just dismiss their feelings. We shouldn't take women and girls who are already being made to feel bad about


Haha. It has its upsides and downsides. I didn't really learn anything about pop culture until I was an adult which is kind of a small talk killer. Plus I'm SO bad at dating - I feel like I missed the opportunity to learn the ropes at an age when learning the ropes was acceptable, so I now just stumble around blindly.

I've always had good luck with Caffeinated Eye Cream to reduce the appearance of dark circles without makeup.

I think I was a really sheltered teenager in a lot of ways. It was a combination of things and I just lucked out. I was a bit of a late bloomer socially in a high school that was big enough that there wasn't too much room for exclusionary cliques to actually form- there was always a group of like minded people

I'm actually... not particularly pretty and I say this all the time.

Oh man, teenagers on the whole have no idea about weight. I got called the chubby one ALL THE TIME as a teenager (and really internalized it) but I was actually just kind of tall and muscly from sports.

I think teenage girls get enough messages about how beauty should be central to their self worth- let's try perhaps giving them something that's NOT centered around how they look.

We've had really good luck with those maze bowls to help slow down their eating... Pretty sure they come in different sizes for different breeds.

I feel like there were a couple years in my family where these decades old issues (nothing big) just surfaced very gently and my cousins and I were just constantly texting each other about how we couldn't believe we didn't know that. The point is, you would never, ever, notice anything to meet the lot of us.

Thanks! That's interesting.

I had no idea they could sell you a house and someone else's mortgage (is that what is happening?) don't people keep their own mortgages? I thought they went with the person, not the house. I mean, if you took out a loan to buy a car- and then I bought it from you before you had paid it off- it doesn't magically

I have a million of these scattered all around my house, my work etc. it's the best!

I have a million of these scattered all around my house, my work etc. it's the best!

It is, and it's so short that they REALLY pack them in there! It's so over the top in a completely opposite way to how the original star trek was over the top.

But you could do almost anything with them! You could open a theme park...

But what if you are your wife had decided that you would stay home with the kids for 10 years (for whatever reason) and you now find that you can't find a job with a 10 year gap on your resume? Or what if your spouse had received an amazing to work overseas in a country that wouldn't give you a work VISA and you were