Well- I agree with you that it is too bad that Jezebel has chosen not to include this information in their article. That being said, the information is pretty easy to find:
Yes? It is better. But it's still not right. And any millennial women who decide to have children in the future can probably look forward to a pay hit. One that their male partners (if they choose to have male partners) won't.
But 93% isn't exactly 100%, is it?
Well, they're an easy way to dress up jeans and I like them for formal events. Actually- I almost never wear heels in my day to day life. Not for work and certainly not for the weekends. I don't find them comfortable.
Eh, I'm not terribly tall at 5'10", but tall enough that I'm used to being taller than a lot of guys I meet. It just isn't something I expect.
This is completely true of my experience- I'm 5'10" and if one more internet asshole tells me not to wear heels I will end them. (Sorry. I just find it really frustrating. Who on earth tries to dictate what someone wears on a date with them? It's bizarre.)
Well, this is just delightful!
Lol, I watch so many things like that. Give me your top five castings? Please?
That would have been my favourite thing ever! I didn't even know about the beeb version, but trust your instincts about it. (I will probably watch it anyway, to my shame.)
You make excellent points. If there were going to go for it, they should have gone for it whole heartedly.
The humour did feel forced. But I completely disagree about sticking to the style and tone of the first three. I think a complete departure from it would have been exactly what the film needed (well, that and less film). That's part of the reason I was hoping we'd get to keep Del Torro for it. In a lot of was the…
I agree, it's not the biggest issue that the education system has to deal with.
Thanks! She is coming to my Christmas party- so I supposed I shouldn't worry so much. Just wanted to make sure she felt we were including her.
Thanks! I'm a classic over thinker of any social situation - so sometimes I find it hard to judge.
Here's a question: my cousin's partner is Jewish and this year I sent them an early holiday (read, non religious snowflake) card in which I wrote Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. I know Hanukkah isn't really one of the high holidays of Judaism - does it seem like tokenism to just include it on my regular holiday…
Lol, I don't know about intelligent... but I'll admit to rage fuelled!
Wow. I'm actually lucky enough to a) love cooking, b) live near a ton of great chain and independent grocery stores, c) be able to afford the healthy food I want, and d) have grown up with a mother who is a nutritionist. So, no. I'm not making excuses, as I eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly. (Please note:…
I don't like the dress, but how lovely does she look here?
Look. I feel like I have this conversation all the time. Yes, you can eat healthy food affordably- but there are all sorts of resources that you need to be able to do that: Kitchen appliances, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, a grocery store nearby, cooking skills, a basic knowledge of nutrition (not all home…