
My mom is a nutritionist, and we were so fat as babies that a couple of her colleagues took her breast milk into the lab to conduct experiments on! I can't remember anyone ever thinking it was a bad thing.

I love this one... and the colour is so in this year!

Mine isn't pretty, but it seems to get the job done.

me too! I always want to ice my hand afterward as well.

It might depend on how much people actually write. I'm in my mid-twenties, but I write by hand quite a bit: letters to friends, rough drafts of papers, notes etc. and I find cursive indispensable. It is so much faster, more efficient, and prettier than printing!

Exactly! I write everything in cursive... truth is that it is faster and more efficient. (Plus since I only write in cursive it is much neater than my printing. Pity the poor custom officials.)

Exactly this! I am about the same age, and always write in cursive. I don't know why people are so impressed, it's just so much easier!

Their refusal to take themselves too seriously is what charmed me in the first place! It's just such a fun show.

I completely agree with you! Have you seen this going around?

Here Here! No letting Canada off the hook. (We have too much of our own shit to deal with.)

I sympathize with you on the car thing! My room mate and are are constantly bringing the most ridiculous things on public transport. And then people just glare at you. Not much to be done about it, however, as there's no chance of a car in the near future.


But all the baptist churches didn't work together to cover this up.... and then try to prevent secular courts from trying the man. I mean the Catholic church could have saved themselves most of their problems if they had just turned the priests over to the proper authorities when they discovered the abuse instead of

Well, where I am in Canada, you can't buy alcohol on the grocery store...

Thanks! The reoccurring theme of my childhood was "don't be angry." Not, "you need to handle your anger differently," or even "I wonder why this child is feeling angry so often," just that it was wrong to even feel it. Anyone who says this wasn't at least partially based in sexism is wrong.

Ugh, Eliot is one of the great disappointments of my life. I adore much of his poetry but he was just so shitty. In a completely illogical fashion I've read almost all the books about his anti-semitism etc. as some sort of antidote for the fact that I can recite huge numbers of his poems unprompted.

Yep. I've had people interrupt my studying to tell me to smile (so I can be pretty!) which irritated me even beyond the level of the usual "smile sweetheart!" that you get in the streets.

That's great! My mom calls me whenever she need some sewing or baking advice. Well, usually I just end up doing it, which is her plan I think!

That sounds amazing, I will definitely try and pick it up as soon as I can. My homemaking skills are not really the best but I just find most of the advise books are so fussy and not practical. And I love the acknowledgement of the multi-facited relationship between women, housework and feminism.

I call my grandparents for advice all the time. Lucky them. My mom isn't much of a housekeeper either so I'm always leaving them phone messages about how to get melted plastic off of tables, blood out of linen, or re-cover chairs.