Yeah, you know, guy, I too am frightened of wet dogs' hindquarters, all lookin' like chicken like they are.....
Yeah, you know, guy, I too am frightened of wet dogs' hindquarters, all lookin' like chicken like they are.....
"And this is where I keep his bamboo treats!"
@Kamatari+: Of course they could quit. But it does seem unfair to take a job as a model, then find out you have to just stand around at comic-con while guys paw you, and then find out there are prizes for them doing so.
I'm pretty sure Cafepress doesn't have any control over what is sold - they provide the web space and checkout capabilities, and printing services, and people upload pictures and designs. Cafepress takes a pretty big chunk of the profits. It's basically a 'print on demand' service.
In the second picture I don't think she has sexyface on - guys, I think that's just how her face looks.
This gives whole new meaning to the phrase, 'Boy, are my dogs tired!'
@LindsayC: dissertations are overrated.: You ever hear it? Like hear a thick hair go "squeak!" when you tweeze it? That's the best, man. That's the good shit.
I would bet money that his computer is full of hours and hours of Fat on Fat Fat Porn, Featuring Fat People, and that he cries when he masturbates.
Aha! Now THIS is confessional journalism to write home about, amirite ladies?
@Opti-Miss: "Flannel Diva" is what my gay friends call me, teasingly, because I'm so UNfashionable, UNfabulous, and UNfussy.
@morninggloria: Darling, it's "nouveau". "Nuovo" is a type of pasta. And a REAL lady of high-drug-society would never discuss such things.
Joel, David, Jim, Chris, and Douglas.
"She was signifying that, though she's tough, she's still feminine"
Michael's just jealous he doesn't have a name as cool as Ernest, Tyrell, Ivan or Kareem.
@LadyFabulous: No, if it were an AA ad the dudes would be wearing tiny gym shorts and t shirts and have moustaches, and the girls would be wearing Sally Jessie Rafael glasses, leotards and tights.
@Mmmmkay (gellin' and Jezebelin): Lesbians aren't FAAAABULOUS! They're like, humorless man-hating bonerkillers - so laaaame, you know.
No gay people in Cancun?
Check the old creeper in the front row in the photo of the pregnant bikini contest, with his cell phone camera out. Not to mention that it appears to be taking place in a nasty old bar (where else?).
@mbot says Spock yeah!: It is mildly annoying, but can you imagine how insane it would be to make a plastic violin small enough for her? Not to mention, her arms don't bend, so the violin would only reach weirdly to the middle of her forearm.
*Holds up middle, index, and ring finger* Guess what kind of sandwich this is?