
The school only has him for 6 years? The hell? What is this, 1926? Who drops out after 6th grade?

Haha, the first time I heard my mom say "hump day" I couldn't stop gigglig. And I was all, "MOM. 'Cause it's HUMP DAY. A day for humping."

Holy crap that is a gorgeous fucking dress that Jerrell is making.

@musicpup will not stand for McCranky: The way I understand it (which is to say, "not that well") the Lilith story is a "non-canon" part of the Judeo-Christian creation story. It didn't make it into the final version, but you can see it on the DVD extras or something. So it doesn't really count.

Hey, Shabbat Shalom is a day for eating a bunch of food and doing all the fucking you can. Also, Judaism believes Adam and Eve were created at the same time, as equals.

@nex0s: That one is awesome! I can't believe no one mentioned it earlier...It's that perfect "moment" that the photographer looks for...and the lighting is crazy and good, and the composition is so weird and yet works...I loves it.

@63words: It looks like ankle boots and capris...bad choices have consequences, Rose.

Most of the Republicans I've ever respected - those who are truly small government, and fiscally conservative, and liberal on issues like gay rights and abortion, the so-called "intellectual conservatism" - are jumping ship, even endorsing Obama. Only the rabid, crazy wing-nuts are left.

@MegSpencer: I have my Bowel Disruptor set to Liquefy, and I'm headed for the Straight Talk Express.

Lindsay, I challenge you to a game of chest. I mean, chess.

@BAngieB: I know, right? I got to get to the grocery store, get my tires rotated...I guess I could squeeze coming out in there.

Eh, anyone who watched Captain Planet as a kid remembers this crap. I love purple too. It's so many things! Pink is so girly, but purple is feminine. And royal. And strong. And gay! And proud. Purple is fierce! And fabulous!

But, I don't want no scrub!

@bikergirl: I have a condition, I like food that is super tasty times. :( No veggies aren't tasty, you will convince me Jesus walked with the dinosaurs before I believe that lie.

David Burke treats objects like women, man!

@Mkp-hearts-nyc: But what is a marriage worth? It's worth what you put into it. Its worth comes from the devotion and love and trust between two people. I just don't get how anybody can feel that what OTHER people do has any bearing on their own marriage. Do other people's divorces and adulteries make his marriage

@toastandlove: Eh okay not that we SHOULDN'T talk about it because we should, I just don't get why gays still don't have equal protections and still can't get married. It makes no sense to me. Does anyone know someone who has logically thought it through and come to the conclusion that gay marriage should be illegal?