
3) Democrats for not putting Bernie on the ticket.

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

You’re acting surprised that Americans aren’t engaged politically, like that hasn’t been the case for decades. It just so happens that we had two awful candidates and no one was excited to see what would happen if either won.

I think all the hubbub about Russian hackers is a joke. American mainstream media is overwhelmingly pro-Hillary. If any shenanigans from foreign hackers did anything to make Hillary look less than stellar, because of the huge sway already to Hillary’s side, all it does is maybe balance it out a little. Personally, I

If they’re going to shove a shitload of advertisements and product placement down my throat then yes, they damn well better not be charging me for it too.
But they are, and they would be, so, I didn’t watch any of it. At all.

There’s going to be a lot of hate for this game, and I wonder if (outside of the obvious need for bug fixes and a stable PC build) it comes down to how games are played:

I wasn’t interested at all in this game... then I got it on a whim and played it and holy frak, I’m really enjoying it!

I’m loving this game. Just wandering around, lost in space, trying to live and learn. It’s wonderful.

I am on the same page as you. It not having an open relationship or arrangement, or whatever that is bothersome. It’s the fact that Bill Clinton has allegedly assaulted multiple women in the process, and Hillary Clinton seems to be ok with it.

Several European countries have different scheduling methods, there is no problem with debating it. When fanatics get involved all reasonable and scientific process gets trampled by the political.

She has repeatedly said she is pro-vax, and you people echoing it all have no shame. This craven, gross, easily debunked smear is absurd. The levels of fiction needed to make Hillary ‘the only choice’ is reaching insanity.

Right now, Dems = right wing, Repubs = lunatic fringe. If you want left, you gotta go elsewhere.

Yes you have. You “use” physics ever single day, it’s just your brain processes the equations for you without you having to think about it. Do you drive a car? Think about braking. Your brain basically tells you when to push the pedal and how much force to exert on it to come to a full and complete stop without

this is weak. I use physics every day. We cancel each other out, so what’s your point?

Because YOU not using physics or biology is a pretty poor predictor of whether your kids are going to need to, or more importantly want to have the option of, using physics or biology. If you want to make sure your kid is a potter, then all you need to teach him is pottery. But that’s pretty selfish, because neither

Seems to me like kids still need to learn math, grammar, literature, history, biology, physics, etc. From people that know about that stuff.

I could definitely understand how people could see it that way. But to me, that lack of hesitation said a lot to the trauma he had just experienced. There was no doubt in his mind. Pausing could show he may have been reluctant to do it. But he wasn’t. He was broken. He knew everything was over. To him, there was only

To nitpick, Robert didn’t start the war. Brandon Stark demanded Lyanna back, Aerys summoned Brandon and Ned’s father, Rickard to King’s Landing and killed them both. He then demanded that Jon Arryn, who was fostering both Ned and Robert, bring them to King’s Landing. Jon refused and raised his banners in revolt.

Tommen at least had the good manners to leave the crown behind.

I’d say you’re correct. Republicans would come out in droves to vote against Clinton, but a lot of them either wouldn’t bother voting against Sanders or would vote for him to spite the horrible candidates they have.