While I’m not a picky eater and happily eat whatever I’m served 99% of the time regardless - pizza sauce and tomato chunks aren’t even remotely the same thing, and it’s entirely possible to enjoy the former but hate the latter.
While I’m not a picky eater and happily eat whatever I’m served 99% of the time regardless - pizza sauce and tomato chunks aren’t even remotely the same thing, and it’s entirely possible to enjoy the former but hate the latter.
Oh god. I really hate your brother.
I require any dog of mine to eat tomatoes, so that I don’t have to. You don’t like tomatoes, doggy? Learn.
I’d rather be a gay person in the Phillipines than a woman in a relationship with Mayweather. Only one is allowed to leave without risking their life.
In a just world this would not just be a comment, but the headline.
Becasue a 10 year old boy has more class and respect for other human beings than these shitty excuses for adults.
FYI, allergan-sniffing assistance dogs can save lives, and training one is a fairly easy and low-cost process compared to sight, hearing, mobility or seizure detection dogs. It involves training one simple alert behavior in conjunction with classically conditioning an association (think Pavlov), and unlike…
PREACH. I was raised with that “mind over matter” attitude, helped along by doctors who believed that I was too young to have a real problem and/or that being female means you like to complain (I do not, to my own detriment). Damned if I wasn’t completely miserable throughout my teens and twenties before being…
Seriously, why the defensiveness??? I’m in my mid 40’s, and my father will try to hide a cherry tomato in my salad to get me to “accidentally” eat one, as if it’s a personal affront to my paternal ancestors that I would rather eat balls of ear wax stuffed with snot (which is what they taste like). Raw tomatoes are…
If by some slight chance I make an unlikely and very unexpected career choice late in life, “Penitence Muffins” will MOST DEFINITELY be my porn name.
I was crying at the halfway-mark, and ugly-crying by the end of that. All the comments on this week’s post should just be read aloud AS a church sermon.
The fact that “church discounts” are common makes me grind my teeth - things like that make it hard for those of us in the rest of the country not to be prejudice against the south. Churches already get a huge discount compared to the rest of us - it’s called “tax-exempt status.”
Well, if you, that pastor and the statue-dressers from your church end up with all us godless heathens in hell, it’s gonna be my kind of party.
Also, the phrase, “a special place in hell.” And I’m pretty sure if there IS a special place in hell, it’s a restaurant where these people are servers, it’s always ten minutes to closing, and perpetual church busses full of non-tippers keep showing up for eternity.
I’m not a parent, but I’ve been to enough restaurants with children that I have to strongly disagree. Sure, give your kids a varied diet in the privacy of your own home - but it’s a stellar parent who saves a waitstaff AND the dining public from the clusterf*** that is children attempting to order off a menu, and…
If ever there was an upbringing that lent itself to being accent free, it was mine. I am the white, Colorado-born-and-raised daughter of a mother who was born in DC and raised by foreign diplomats in places like Cambodia, the Philippines, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Greece.
Uses the term “woman-speak” : unaccustomed to hearing an actual woman speak
I didn’t realize how much I will be stealing that line until JUST NOW.
Yeah, I got that immediately from the user name. To be fair, I would also have gotten it if his user name was something like “Hillary2016ismyhomegyrlHOLLA!1!!” #falseflag #youguyssuckatthis
My mom lived in SE Asia for a while as a kid and she has always served lychee for dessert on special occasions. Guests I bring home with me are generally flumoxed over it, but that has been much less true since the rise in popularity of the lychee martini (which I highly recommend!).