When I first read the first sentence of this story, I thought it said she was known for “breaking the 90s.” That would certainly be accurate. My heart hurts.
When I first read the first sentence of this story, I thought it said she was known for “breaking the 90s.” That would certainly be accurate. My heart hurts.
I know for a fact I am a direct descendent of slave owners, one of the biggest slave owners in Mississippi, in fact. It really shouldn’t come as any surprise that most whites in this nation have this in their families’ past. It’s probably a more interesting question to see how many white families today DIDN’T have…
Well, I’m glad SOMEONE remembered this “role.”
The pastor, Mark Lee DICK-son (proper pronunciation), was actually kicked out of the Clovis City Commission meeting when he blurted out that he’d pay to fight any lawsuits brought against the city if they passed the ordinance. As he left, he called the mayor “two-faced.” Real classy guy.
If what happened to you had happened to me in my job, I would’ve quit too. But I absolutely accept what happened with me. I couldn’t deny the charges, because I remember saying what they claim I said (and what I said was significantly less egregious than what you were accused of, so I think that’s why they were so…
I have been reported to HR at my place of work twice, both times with good reason. The second time, I took notes from my sensitivity training and I continually refer to them to make sure I never cross the line again. I take it seriously.
I have no comment whatsoever on the quality/popularity of these candies and whether or not I like them. I would only like to say that I’m a subscriber to The History Guy and watched this video a few days ago. For once, I’m ahead of the AV Club!
The photo at the top of this article PERFECTLY encapsulates MTG - the pink outfit straight from the 50s, the “I-don’t-give-a-shit” smirk, the angry looking man next to her smoking a cigar the size of my leg. This screams “WHITE REPUBLICAN ENTITLEMENT!”
“They pre-recorded it and when they got ready to shoot, they’d slide the camera and start the film. Did I play it? Yes. Is that me on the soundtrack? No. Did it cost me about a million dollars? Yeah.”
On his Facebook page, Ronny said he HATES the “Star Trek: Jellico” memes people have been posting. I don’t know how he feels about the character, but he sure hates those memes.
Idolators always claim they’re not guilty of idolatry. They may not be praying to guns, or opening specific churches and seeking non-tax status for their guns, but it’s still idolatry. Some people idolize money. Some people idolize celebrities or royalty. Some people idolize guns. And they never see it that way.
About the “God ‘n’ Guns” argument. It’s interesting that many “morally religious right” have equated being Christian with owning guns (don’t argue with me, you know it’s true). What I think is being ignored by these “Christians” is the sin of idolatry. They’ve placed guns on the pedestal of their hearts where their…
This may be an awful thing to say, but I’m going to say it anyway: Global warming? Bring it on. Florida can’t go underwater fast enough.
And this is a surprising “revelation” because..........?
I was lucky enough to attend a university where my parents worked. I didn’t have a tuition-free education, but my parents worked out a deal: They would pay for half my tuition and fees at the beginning of each semester (after the scholarships) and I would pay the rest. I had workstudy, so they took out a small amount…
OK, fine. I’ll say it. That is one wrinkled hand FFC has right there. Also, he’s not wrong about the Oscars, or Hollywood in general. I’ve just stopped watching moves altogether.
I was 10 when his morning show was on the air, and I’d watch it at my grandmother’s house while my parents were at work. I don’t remember much about it, or anything about my grandmother’s reaction to it, but I DO remember Dave getting a ladder to fix one of the lights above the studio floor near the end of one…
Y’know, all of this is on my DVD copy of the movie. But since no one watches movies on DVD (or Blu-Ray, or VHS, or Beta, or . . . FILM), it’s no wonder this footage was new to the editors at the AV Club.
These predictions from 1977 don’t surprise me. In his novelization of “2001,” Clarke gave a stunningly accurate description of what we would now know as an iPad, along with how information was retrieved and viewed on it. The first iPad hit the market in 2010, so he was only about nine years off. Astounding.