
First he ruins a season of Justified for me, now he ruins my time scanning the AV Club while waiting in line. I am so sick of this guy.


Weird… A guy from Des Moines who is into metal is badmouthing Kanye.
Now I have heard everything.

Darn it Cooter, stop yelling at me!

I'm no studio executive but if I were to give advice to TLC it would be to stop airing shows starring child molesters.

Good, now TP can pay the Jayhawks for ripping off Waiting for the Sun

*covers cheese stain on couch with copy of Gravity's Rainbow and kicks Imagine Dragons CD under couch*

I liked his version until my stupid neighbor started listening to it. He wears football jerseys on Sunday when he watches the "big game" and likes to dip fried food in cheese. I just can't be a part of that.