
“politically correct” is a concept that places the comfort of middle-class persons over the ability of the lower-class to eat.

Amen, i put it like this:

Maybe you’re just projecting? Maybe the fact that BLACK LIVES MATTER is something that actually has to be SAID means that, in our society, black lives are treated as if they DON’T matter? Maybe pay the fuck attention to what they’re actually saying rather than feeling threatened because -gasp-WHITE people weren’t

let them, there have been far too many closet racists ever since being politically correct became a thing.

It’s important to understand that “patriarchy” and “sexism” doesn’t automatically mean “men.” Women can enforce and be agents of misogyny, even if they are part of the gender being oppressed. It is also a linguistic quirk that when a woman states “I hate it when men tell me to smile,” it refers to (correctly in

1. It’s a non sequitur as a response to someone saying that black lives matter. It’s ignoring and changing the subject. It contributes nothing to the discussion at hand.

When you speak in reference to a people who have been systematically misrepresented and ostracized for a hair over 400 years by the very country they took part in building (for about 200 years without pay, mind you), your different approach doesn’t necessarily make you racist, but it DOES make you an apologist for

It’s so stupid that it would need to change though. If we were to erase this and women’s rights were to come out with the slogan “Women’s Lives Matter,” I would not be up in arms thinking “holy fuck are they saying that MEN’S LIVES DON’T?!?!” My initial reaction, as a non misogynistic or stupid person, would be no,

Also this.

“All Lives Matter” says absolutely nothing about racism; it co-opts a message conveying a problem with racial inequality (“Black Lives Matter”) and then turns it into a vague statement on the sanctity of human life.

You know how an emergency room tends to treat the more serious cases first? Yes, you broke your arm, but this guy just got shot in the head and chest.

You don’t need to say anything, though. I’m a man, too. When people say something about men in terms of women’s rights and feminism I realize they are discussing a history (and present) of oppression that is very much real, even if I specifically have not done whatever it is they are talking about. It is no skin off

Sadly, you’re right. It’s funny how it’s clearly laid out and people are still like “But no, as a non-black person who doesn’t understand your struggle, let me tell you exactly what you need to say and do because I say so.”

Until Black Lives Matter activists say “black lives matter too!” instead of just “black lives matter.”

I think it’s somewhere between #NotAllMen and MRAs. Willfully ignoring the existence of oppression to, like you say, redirect the conversation to focus on you, ignoring the reality that no one in this country is coming for straight white men.

Everyone’s house is always on fire.

Because seeing “All Lives Matter” doesn’t do shit to highlight the fact that all lives do matter and yet we continue to shit all over the lives of minorities.

Because to change the conversation from “Black” to “All” is just a red herring used to distract from the core issue. A classic and rather disingenuous tactic of redirection.

Because it takes EMPHASIS way from black lives, you know the people being gunned down unarmed in the street by white officers... yea those guys. All lives do matter though, especially white lives, shall we take a journey back into history? The concept of BLM has been explained over and over again for those that lack

Because it completely disregards the message of the statement which is saying that the status quo suggests that black lives do NOT matter and that other lives do. It’s not to say that “all lives matter” is a bad sentiment (clearly it is not)... but if you want to shine a spotlight on mistreatment... you need to