
Pulling a Hinki would be the dumbest thing this team could do. They’re going to blow up a deep playoff team because they keep getting beat by a stacked team led by Lebron James. They could get 5 number 1 picks and still get the shit kicked out of them every year by Bron Bron. The 76ers should be a warning not

how vogue india is indian culture?


So are a few NFL draft picks.

This. I would estimate the number of people who have dropped their basic cable subscription because ESPN offended their conservative sensibilities to be exactly zero.

If you’re so firmly conservative that your mind goes immediately to “ESPN’s liberal agenda is killing them!”, you are likely a strong supporter of Fox News. If you have Fox News, you have cable. And if you have’re paying ESPN like $80 a year even if you never touch the channel.

This makes so much more sense now.

Thank god I’m old enough to remember the days when that long walk back from the table ended in the consolation of a proper drink.

He probably wasn’t in a trading mood after getting cut by Jeannie Buss.

Pictured: Bob Sagat

as far as I’m concerned Shaq has a free pass based on this gif alone

The Sixers are clearly just playing 12 dimensional basketball, which primarily involves stacking 5 players on top of one another and dressing them in a trenchcoat.

Why don’t we have a name for Philly’s obsessive trading for 2nd round picks yet, like “the strategy” or something

are you offering to bankroll me in scandanavia for 6 months? because i’m definitely in

Is this a subtle jab at how Democrats did this to W, and then Republicans did it to Obama, so basically both sides always think the other guy is taking too much time off?
“The food is so bad, and such small portions!”

[polite applause]

Well, I will say this. I am very sure he’s not being hypocritical about this, and I’m sure if you looked at his twitter history there would be no tweets criticizing a certain politician for spending too much time playing golf rather than running the country.

the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin

I don’t know.