
It’s about player safety. What if they infect the opposing team with cooties?

And boy are their arms tired...

Jesus, dude. I was being friendly.

He’s calling you a dum-dum, or at least, with 90% certainty that you’re a dum-dum.

they’d be hard-pressed find a whiter kick, to be honest.

You guys have this all completely backwards.

You should know you’re a character in Don Delillo’s Underworld.

Bernie supporters turned out for Hillary at a higher rate than Hillary supporters turned out for Obama in ‘08. Maybe you should’ve listened to people telling you that HRC was an awful, unelectable candidate instead of being offended that someone would dare challenge her rightful ascension to the throne.

bernie sanders inscribed ancient sigils on the wisconsin border to keep clinton from campaigning there.


You really think a Duke man would ever support a strike?

Smoking weed everyday helps me in my recovery from that workout I did in ‘05.

I’m an Arab-American Muslim living in a big city and I secretly want to be a PSCWG.

I’m not a fan of most PSCWs but as a photographer I can assure you that 99% of the people on this website are misreading your anti-Muslin/pro-Linen handle.

I’m a Proud Southern Conservative White Guy(TM), but f*ck stereotypes all around. I just wrote my Congresspeople (all Republicans) urging them to stall Trump as much as possible, if not outright oppose him. If you want to reform immigration, great! But if you want to be an authoritarian asshole to everyone as part of

I’m a top 10 NFL QB. I think unions suck and we need to make America great again. I have more to say but I have to be anonymous. My wife would kill me and I have a game coming up.

I’m doing an internal monologue admonishing myself to not judge newly-disillusioned folk too harshly. America has NEVER been America to my black ass. We done TOLD y’all! Now....NOW?! starting to believe it?

We’d probably end up electing Mark Jackson.