To be deleted

I've had a 360 for 9 months now (my first one) and I haven't had a problem. But I always install my games to the HD before I play them—my 360 never gets too hot.


No. You see, Bing may very well be a great search engine, but I'm very comfortable with Google and at the moment I don't see a reason to switch.

Does anyone know when the final is expected to be released?

I only use it to get updates on companies (e.g. Blizzard). #twitter

What is everybody's favourite Gnome theme?

It depends.

I can't keep up with the new releases. I haven't finished Oblivion and right now I'm playing Borderlands.

Am I the only one who found that BioShock was scary? #tellusdammit

Nice! I want to play coop but I know nobody with Xbox Live *and* Borderlands. #borderlands

@Rampage: In fact, that is not true. Usually there is alpha testing (which is internal) and the beta testing (which might or might not involve the public) and then release candidates. I've never seen the alpha stage to come after the beta. #archonclassic

Hey Adobe, maybe this is a sign that you should spend some time in your web browser plug-in and make it more light-weight and robust. Maybe.

I don't use an anti-virus but my dad does—I will definitely replace his Avast! by MSE.

@Lucas Reis: lol, I just came here to see that comment.

I've been using the vanilla Messenger Live for a while, as it doesn't bother me enough for me to try an alternative. However, you said it well: "Trust Is Hard to Earn, Easy to Lose". If I were to try an alternative, Digsby would not my first choice after all this happened.