
So if I don’t want to be forced to pay taxes because I’m a US citizen I should be able to opt out of being a citizen but still be able to enjoy all the benefits of citizenship.

Oh my god, I’m just so tired of the sheer skirt thing.

It looks like she went back to 2004 and stole that from J.Lo’s closet.

Our worst fears are now realized. All Trump’s supporters have become so white they are now transparent. There are millions of them in attendance today, you just can’t see them.

“We should let it ride!”

If Swinney wants a slow slide to the bottom, he should coach for Notre Dame.

Wine comes in a bottle?

I love when the Post publishes absolute gibberish. If the voters reject him, he is not a “hugely popular candidate.”

You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.

Having a stranger buy you a car for your birthday is so much more believable than having Tyga buy you one.

Now playing

All they needed was to show Breathy and Abby walking away from the explosion.