Thank you for calling him the Joffrey of pop. Just thanks.
Thank you for calling him the Joffrey of pop. Just thanks.
Wait, wait...that was a condom in her glasses? Seriously? I always thought it was fried egg. This makes so much more sense.
Please let this be a weekly update of sorts (unless it already is, and for that I'm sorry I'm not on the up and up). If so, I can clear my instafeed and actually see what my friends ate drank for brunch. I'll keep ?uestlove, but Mindy you've got to go, girl.
I'll say one thing- when I saw "Heartbreaking and hilarious" on the netflix main page, I knew what it meant. It means what it always means: "Heartbreaking, and if you are a sociopath who revels in human agony, then you will laugh at this." I'm not saying it doesn't have a few lighter moments, but putting…
What is "Yuengling?" We call it "Lager."
In high school me and my friends smoked a bunch of weed and then went shopping a little too often. Sometimes we'd end up at a value village betting each other over our friends ability to make a bong out of stuff you'd think would be really hard to make a bong out of. Occasionally we would both see something we liked…
The kid simply knows that Blitzer shouldn't have a mic.
Joe Simpson was my youth pastor growing up. After they left the church for Hollywood, he came and visited us during a church camp. He told us not to judge Jessica for showing cleavage and dressing sexy because the attention allows her a bigger platform to share the gospel.