
I really want the Giants to make it to the World Series, go up 3-1 against Cleveland and lose.

Hell of a first sentence!

Does Draper have an alibi?


I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Nah, the Spurs are awesome. Boris Diaw! Manu! Kawhi! They’re awesome.

Because their notion of “right” is mechanical, not moral.

Yeah. Architecture firms are going to be interesting places for 3d modelers to work.

Ha! Just saw this same handle on Rocket League the other night. Preach it.

I could’ve told you this months ago. Me and my 15 year old friends only use Snap Chat to talk.

Our entire office is packed into one conference room screaming our god damned heads off. 95% of us went to UConn.

So I gonna do this here because I Netflixed ‘Major League’ literally last night... But the ending scenes against the Yankees don’t make much sense from the owner’s perspective.

“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all”

*ahem* #TeamTriss *ahem*

This reminds me of the good ole days on Deadspin!

Dammit, now what will I do with my e-pitchfork and e-torch?