
Honestly, this whole thing has been an eye-opener for exactly how predatory Apple’s practices are. Taking 30% of the revenue is highway robbery. Sure, it’d hurt Apple’s business if they couldn’t take that cut, but let’s not pretend that these practices haven’t led to Apple becoming the first company in history to be

They say that like it’s a bad thing.

monopoly (defined): the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

Imagine if Microsoft said right now that they only way to add software to Windows Xbox was to go through their app store and they wanted 30% of whatever you charged for the software. Their is no way anyone would stand for that.


Haha, I guess Apple realized they’re losing the PR battle. No worries the EU will end the iOS app monopoly

Now doing anything fun is “Being Desperate”... OK

PUBG: not my thing, but battle royale games are popular, so hopefully a lot of people will enjoy it.

The Nintendo fanboys need to stop living in the fucking 90s!

blatant attacks? my god some of ‘you people’ are easily offended. And by ‘you people’ I mean anyone that’s seriously offended by these tweets. I mean REALLY?! if words hurt you so much, what happens when REAL predjudice starts happening against you? It shouldn’t, and I’m not saying it should, but if you let words...

You do understand the people running this account are not the same people making the game, right?

What does the PR team of GOG have to do with their game development?

they're polish, what do you expect? about as far along when it comes to lgbtq stuff as russia.

> these tweets are incredibly alarming to anyone in contact with LGBTQA+ members of the gaming community

Well, Riley said they’re not concerned about them and questions whether they’re “blatant attacks”. I don’t think you agree with Riley as much as you think you do (or at least, I don’t think Riley thinks what you

How do their ‘politics’ mean anything about Cyberpunk’s quality? You Americans are well and truly incapable of judging something on its own merits.

Where the hell is the zapper trigger? This is the worst list I've ever seen, go to jail Kotaku, never speak to me again

I don't look at this site that many times a day, but I do look forward to reading most of the stories here. This particular post just seemed to be ridiculous. I guess I failed to see the humor in his missing dangly man parts.

Damn, you're brilliant.

Now playing

And to those who didn't enjoy the article something better AND informative

I shouldn't have wasted bandwith reading this crap?