Uunderrated comment
Uunderrated comment
You don’t know what you’re talking about... you stick a VIN from ANY VEHICLE... could be one from a junkyard. It could be your mom’s old wrecked Lebaron sitting in your uncle’s barn or a 78 AMC. It doesn’t matter.
2 words... Limp Mode
Is bullying wrong though?! I feel like my kids’ generation needs just a smidge more bullying... How else can you get a strong sense of self awareness? There are very few things that you CAN’T beat into someone.
Best comment!
You literally have no clue what you’re talking about. 10 years ago, Bush was still President and the housing bubble was about to pop because of deregulation. Good lord... you Dumb Republicans and your delusional ideas that’re spoon fed to you by Fox News. Get a grib and do some damn research.
[For the 10000000th time] Luda has one... he occasionally drives it.
Is your Charger Hellcat a “60's big block muscle car with drum brakes?” You and I both know it’s not... So, your smart ass comment is due to your inability to either comprehend written word OR control your ego. WOW you lost your ass in depreciation when you traded a SHO 18 months after purchase for a Hellcat AND you…
Dude. you picked your wife of two weeks over your mother because of common early marriage holiday jockeying? Give me a break... I hope you never encounter REAL problems. Sounds like you are both spoiled little bitches.