Dustin Long

Exactly! Spot on!

The corpses suggest it's probably more than 15% and the men don't talk about it - corpse can't hide its abuse from a woman:

I agree and think the solution is simple. Make rules based on expectations.

I don't know. If you do something he doesn't like - talk on the phone too loudly while he's watching his favorite show and he slaps you hard in the face without warning, that'd be justified, not abuse, right?

We definitely should have men's shelters. I'm really disappointed in this article. :(

We should just ignore the minority then because they aren't as important right? The truth is that male face violence 4 times a often as females, yet laws are put in place such a the VAWA to protect the minority of victims of violence.

I'd say it's more important to work on making sure that it never happens again, even if you are really wasted, or if getting wasted means that you do that, stop getting wasted. Stopping the violence is WAY more important than stopping feeling guilty. If you can truly say it is never going to happen again, then you

Abuse is never justified. Never. Justified.

I love this comment so much.

Here's hoping your spouses wise up and leave you. <3

They've been taught for years not the hit women, taught that any retaliation or protection of themselves will seen as abuse toward her and that they are the bigger and stronger one so they should be able to take it.

Sometimes we are.

Physically afraid of the police,,,,

leslleannelevine: Exactly. Had it been a woman saying the same thing (using the other gender of course), that would have been our cue to cheer!

"Yes, please, let's not forget the poor men, who make up a whopping 15% of the domestic violence victims (nonsarcastic saide: this includes situations in which the violence is mutual, or the woman used violence in response to violence), who are far less likely to be hurt by domestic violence given the differences in