
Your approach doesn’t make for a very interesting article. “Person beats video game the way it was intended.”

Another Bmore resident and sports fan here. Confirmed!

Agreed. I’m usually a huge Kirk Hamilton fan but this “review” is a bridge too far. It feels pretentious (though I think I have read/listened to enough of Kirk’s material to know he wouldn’t do that on purpose) and overall unhelpful.

I’m not a PC guy but the console version of Divinity 1 always interested me, though I never picked it up. This article motivated me to finally buy the first game and I was happy to discover it’s only $11.99 on PSN right now. Giddyup!

No thoughts or comments on the theme song by Will Wiesenfeld? I wish he would release a longer version. I really like it.

Didn't even have to finish the headline to realize the shift change had taken place.