I pretend to know a lot more than I do about classic hip hop.
I pretend to know a lot more than I do about classic hip hop.
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That actually is really good. Dag, yo.
Like, the Outkast track? Is the future purple lawns?
I had Disqus till he was three… That's when I knew him, and that's when I loved him. I'll never forget him… But he forgot me a long, long time ago.
I had Disqus till he was three… That's when I knew him, and that's when I loved him. I'll never forget him… But he forgot me a long, long time ago.
Part of me hopes the last comment is a spambot.
With that handle, I wish you had, too!
There's a Chrome extension for that!
It's… it's beautiful…
Ooooh, that is a good one.
A trillion bottles of beer on the wall…
Something something The Return of the King.
I'm out of really good closing lines. This is taking longer than I thought.
Where we're going, we don't need roads…
Well, nobody's perfect!
You finally really did it. You did it! You blew it up! God damn you! God damn you all to Hell!
Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!