
That'll do, pig. That'll do.

Throw that junk in, too.

Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

God's work, son. Have an upvote.

I tried to tag him, but that feature is either disabled, or I am incompetent.

YOU get an upvote! YOU get an upvote!

I got a boost when I smashed some poor fool years ago for having the temerity to like the series finale of The Boondocks. That got me 3 or 4 hundred and is my personal pride.

Right? I'm sitting on 2:1, at best. Have you even looked at Dikachu?

You monster!

Last chance to goose that upvote-to-comment ratio…

That *was* a good one.

I can feel it happening!

Crap! Is this your card?

Hm. Is this your card?

Is this your card?

Good call. That's me, probably half the time. I know they're working on a Mozilla add-on as well, but I don't know what the answer is going to be for my phone.

I suppose you should present your research to Univision.

There it is.

There it is.

Is Disqus free to the sites that utilize it? That seems like an odd business model.