Attributed of Francis of Assisi: "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."
Attributed of Francis of Assisi: "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."
(Number 3 will drive Satan crazy!)
I like the thinking outside the box, but does it account for the canonical virgin birth?
That's actually interesting. A remarkable number of Christians subscribe to an Old Testament fire-and-brimstone mentality, while most of my Jewish friends have a New Testament mindset.
ya boring
Butt stuff.
Are you new?
The classic idiom is, "Heaven for the weather, Hell for the company."
Every time I read the word "abstinence," I see "absinthe," which makes some sentences really confusing.
No, but the occasional week day would probably at least put a dent in the whole endeavor.
"Sorry I can't do this one thing quite yet because I am actually doing eleven other things, all of which are delightful" is a way better excuse than "The Giants are playing."
Tiffany, to her credit, doesn't seem to have much use for her father, either.
I think P5 is definitely on my to-get list, but I have trouble justifying it until it gets down to $40 or less. In theory, full price isn't a huge deal, but I'm taking the family to Disney World this summer and it adds up.
I basically stopped fast traveling when I got a decoction that increases my max HP a bit for each enemy that I kill, but zeroes out if you fast travel. I almost always rock a combo of that one and the one that restores HP when damage is dealt.
If you feel totally good with any of the important story decisions (or even a few inconsequential Hunt missions), then you *really* need to be concerned about that decision.
Hell, either one of us could be wrong, since this is all conjecture into the President's assuredly rich interior world. I think the key to how he feels about Barron is knowing how he felt about Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric in say 1995. Essentially, what is his baseline for his feelings about progeny who are not yet…
At long last, our HackMaster game picks back up on Saturday, on the GM's birthday! Li'l Wheezy the Elven Thief is naught but a memory now, and we'll get the official entrance of Jimmy The Fighter! In addition, the GM's partner has decided to belly up to sling some 'hedrons, playing a Gnomish Assassin. So out party…
Why? Marla Maples walked with Tiffany. You think he cares that much about Barron?
"She wasn't given a choice" is a lot more disempowering a statement than *anything* we've said here.
Have any opinion you want, as long as it's empirically based. What does a mealy-mouthed concept like "rugged individualism" mean in a service-based economy? What is "national identity" supposed to mean from a nation explicitly predicated on taking in the wretched refuse?