Both, but depending on where you are located in the pit for that show, it’s usually shoes in the shot (even better when they bounce it up and down)....but the shadows suck as well due to being a distraction in the shot.
Both, but depending on where you are located in the pit for that show, it’s usually shoes in the shot (even better when they bounce it up and down)....but the shadows suck as well due to being a distraction in the shot.
Also, you can sit with your legs however you like pretty much right up to the moment the audience lights go down, then we (the working press) ask that you don’t sit crossed legged for the 5-10 minutes that it takes for the show.
Well, it’s not a comfort thing at the shows, it’s a blocking thing. When you cross your legs in the front row at a runway show, your foot will get into the shot of all the photographers at the end of the runway. it’s a very narrow gap and people are asked to sit with both feet on the ground for a reason. Anna W…
well, no. Elle King (Ex’s & Oh’s) is Rob Schneider’s daughter.
nice looking light there, but I try to stay with lights that take batteries I can get at any backwoods gas station anywhere in the world or borrow from a buddy. I love the amount of light thrown by those lights but I love my AA’s and AAA’s.
neither Yaya or Jessica are based near Baltimore. They would have to be flown in for any episodes they would film.
came for the $Kaycog reaction, am not disappointed.
well, not defending Biebs or anyone else who is famous and has not the best tattoos - but most (not all but most) really good tattoo artists have several month (or year) waiting lists and work regular hours out of their own shop.
well, I am speaking from first hand experience - I’ve been married for 18 years to an awesome lady. She works in Boston where we live and I have an apartment in Brooklyn (due to most of my work is still in NYC.) My New York roommate is female, a nude model and gets along famously with my wife. (they are both crazy cat…
I’m in a new building on a transition block next to the brownstones on Stuyvesant on the way to the Utica A/C. I moved to the East Village in 92 with the drug-dealers watching my van while I was moving in, Bushwick in 2001 with the cops at the hospital asking why I (tattooed white dude) was moving into that hood and…
couldn’t do it - bailed 4 minutes in. one of the few times that I completely agreed with the YouTube comments. ugh.
just moved out of Bushwick to Bed-Sty and so far, it’s nice to be away from the hipster horde. We have them in Bed-Sty as well, but not the density and sheer numbers as Bushwick and WBurg. I can go a whole day without seeing a 28 year old dude with an ironic facial hair/t-shirt combo riding a razor scooter…
psssst! The LM002 came out before the Hummer-1986 vs 1992. So, yeah - they didn’t build hummer knock-offs.