crap. that's what i get for typing without coffee. totally meant Wells...must have had tentacles on the brain that day.
crap. that's what i get for typing without coffee. totally meant Wells...must have had tentacles on the brain that day.
Ms. HP Lovecraft in Warehouse 13 would beg to differ with you on this observation.
i'm pretty much in love with my fuji X100.
oh. you didn't see the photo coverage from some of the car shows this summer here on Jalopnik, I guess. there was no art involved. they were horribly shot and lazily composed. Add in the fact there were no captions whatsoever and it just made my photographer/car lover heart hurt.
Oh yeah - squirrels WILL fuck you up.
totally - great seeing rappers having fun again. love the video, love the song.
(raises hand) I would consider this "tearing up the desert".
I know, right?! well shot images of the attending cars and captions explaining what you are seeing. can Benjamin give lessons to rest of the Jalopnik writers?
Ha! I'm sorry...I like it. It's f'ing funny.
that's the boat i am in. skipped the 4S, will get the 5 to replace my aged 4.
heh, I dated a girl in college mainly because her "weekend car" was a pink 57 t-bird. Daddy was a car nut and rich. He offered to buy her a car as an investment when she was 18 - early jag or early american muscle car - she tracked down a pink 57 t-bird. lots of fun cruising around town in the winter with the top…
ok, i know i'm being a bitchy photographer here, but were these cars shot in a closet? if they look this good shot from about 2' away with a wide angle lens, imagine what they look like if shot correctly?
heh, which time?
yeah...once again, I guess informative captions are just out of the question for car show photo galleries.
good on ya, man! you are allowed to rock the cavalier attitude with that stable - my first hand experience with TR's was watching my roomie curse and open his wallet on a weekly basis for 2 years. So, i'm admittingly biased to the negative.
you must not own a vintage TR to be this cavalier about it. it's a great car until you are spending more on chasing wiring gremlins due to the Lucas electricals than beer money for the week.
I beg to differ on the Triumph TR series - they were best enjoyed when they belonged to someone else.
I miss Pontiac in general.
seriously. the pictures pretty much suck - you couldn't be bothered to move over and NOT put that lady's head in the middle of that last shot!? But...the bigger crime is that fact that THERE ARE NO CAPTIONS?!?