
crap. i just realized that nibbles bit me in the butt and my video didn't link. grrr....

Jules Santana would like a word with you...

i live in brooklyn and ride my motorcycle in all five boroughs...i ALWAYS ride like nobody can see me and EVERYONE wants to run me over. I assume that if someone looks like they are gonna do something stupid with a car, they will. better to be prepared to take action than dead.

i feel you on that sentiment. Scott always comes across as a photoshop dude who happens to take pictures. seems like he spends a lot of time in pshop "fixing" his images.

i know i shouldn't want it, but Lord, i want that.

Engadget and TechCrunch comments/commenters make me weep for the future of humanity. (i can't even make myself read comments on YouTube and

and you really really want to hear the irony of the whole thing-i'm a dyed in the wool GM man, have a pontiac arrowhead on my arm, owned a 77 firebird, still drive a poncho...raised in the south to hate fords.

nope, you are not. they would have to scrape me off the GT at Classic Car Club of manhattan when i had photo assignments over there. "no, no, no...we are NOT painting it in Gulf Livery for a photo shoot. blue is fine."

as always with this sort of question - $kaycog and I are on the same damn page. best car in the best, shut up and take my imaginary money!

Still doesn't fix the photo sort order issue that has been plaguing the iPad since the last OS update. [].

i think the problem lies in the fact that people will dismiss TiVo without ever using it. it really is night and day compared to cable DVR's. much faster, more [intuitive...dare] i even say it, snappier. you push a button and things happen on screen, unlike Cablevision's DVR interface that would just sit

honestly, once you use it and then use the built-in DVR, it's no contest. We got rid of our early version TiVo when we upgraded to HD flatscreen and after a week with CableVision's built in DVR, we went out and got the new TiVo. never again. can have my Tivo box when pry it out of my cold dead hands. much easier/better looking signal/faster access than any streaming system I have tried.

neat. needs a graphic for Han shot first in the middle of line 5.

not rich, nor an idiot. i live in brooklyn and drive my car or ride my motorcycle into manhattan at least once a week. i park on the street and manage not to melt down or get tickets.

"... Ah thank you... I was recently feeling like maybe our society wasn't worth saving. You have cured me of that foolish notion."

other than pay $3million, i'm on the same page with you. always been my favorite muscle car ever.

got a full rig with a Shoot35 FF, but this just looks awesome for a lighter/faster rig. put my money down, waiting for march. esp excited about the one rail mounting system for a run&gun event rig.

nope, 6'4" and wear large gloves. just never liked the smart cover - it doesn't work for me on a day to day basis. it would attract dust and such when it was folded back causing those lines. it must not have liked the interior of my bag, cuz it got dingy looking very quickly. maybe you have a nicer bag than i do.

glad you like it. i had the grey one - it looked dingy after the first day, left three parallel streaks on my screen that i would have to wipe off everyt ime i wanted to use my ipad, was about 1/4" too wide when folded under the ipad (as opposed to flush), was kinda random on if it would decide to stay propped up.